Dr. Alexander Al Hamwi

Dr Alexander Al Hamwi

Tax Associate, Munich


Professional experience

Education and qualifications

Published works


Alexander specialises in German and international corporate tax law. In particular, he has extensive experience in restructurings and M&A transactions.

Work highlights
  • Fosun: advising on the sale of the bank Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe to ABN
  • thyssenkrupp: advising on the spin-off and the subsequent IPO of the thyssenkrupp subsidiary thyssenkrupp (formerly Uhde Chlorine Engineers)
  • Meag Munich Ergo Asset Management: advising on the acquisition of a portfolio consisting of twelve retail parks from Patrizia
  • BNP Paribas REIM: advising on the investment in the “Quantum Light Industrial I” fund that holds six light industrial properties worth EUR 264m


Professional experience

Alexander has been an Associate at Linklaters since July 2021. Prior to that, he worked as a research assistant in the tax departments of major international law firms and auditing companies.

In 2024, he was working in the Madrid office of Linklaters for six weeks.

Education and qualifications

Alexander studied Law with the focus on Corporate and Tax Law at the University of Passau. He went on to do a Master of Laws (LL.M.) programme with the Specialist Pathway "International Tax Law" at King's College London.

He was admitted as a lawyer in 2021 and as a tax advisor in 2024.

He speaks German and English.

Published works

Recent publications by Alexander include:

  • Schaflitzl, Andreas/Al Hamwi, Alexander, Mindeststeuer 2024: Ausnahmen und Erleichterungen im Rahmen der Mindestbesteuerung (insb. Safe Harbours), in: DB Beilage 01 2024, p. 47
  • Al Hamwi, Alexander, Die strafbefreiende Selbstanzeige nach § 371 AO: Straftheoretische Fundierung im Kontext einer allgemeinen Regelung zur Wiedergutmachung, Dissertation, Passau, 2019
  • Al Hamwi, Alexander, Anmerkung zu FG Münster, Urt. v. 23.5.2019 – 3 K 1007/18 E: Ermäßigte Besteuerung von nachbezahlten Überstundenvergütungen für mehrere Jahre, in: DStRK 2019, p. 264