20 Februar 2025
OFSI has published a Threat Assessment Report looking at the threats to sanctions compliance in the UK financial services sector. The Assessment identifies key evasion threats and red flags that firms in that sector should be aware of and makes recommendations on how to mitigate the identified risks. The over-arching message to financial firms is to know your clients and understand what they are doing.
08 November 2024
The long-awaited guidance to organisations on the new failure to prevent fraud offence, introduced by the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023, was published on 6 November 2024. We have written a briefing summarising the key aspects of the guidance and setting out actions organisations can take now to start preparing.
29 Oktober 2024
As the war in Ukraine grinds on, tackling the evasion of sanctions and enforcing national restrictions remain top priorities for allied states. A particular focus recently has been on Russia’s so-called “shadow fleet” – ships, and particularly oil tankers, being used to evade sanctions and circumvent the oil price cap. Countries are showing a united approach - in September the G7 published its first ever joint guidance for industry on preventing evasion of export controls and sanctions against Russia.
Keep up to date with the latest in our Russia/Ukraine sanctions series.
28 Oktober 2024
The False Claims Act aims to combat fraud against the U.S. Government. While it empowers the Attorney General to take enforcement actions, it also authorizes private individuals, known as "relators," to initiate lawsuits through its contentious "qui tam" provisions. Recent judicial rulings have cast doubt on the constitutionality of these provisions, potentially undermining the ability of private citizens to pursue cases against companies accused of defrauding the U.S. Government.
16 Oktober 2024
The government’s new trade sanctions implementation body, OTSI, came into operation last week, with a raft of new civil enforcement powers to monitor sanctions compliance and penalise breaches. We look at what’s new, what stays the same and who will now enforce what.
23 September 2024
The recent King’s Speech promised substantial changes in regulatory practices and governance across many different sectors. Alongside change to transport networks, the planning system and pension reform were proposals for reform in areas as diverse as football governance and the regulation of water companies.
Our latest blog post takes a quick look at some of the proposals we will be keeping an eye on in the months ahead.
31 Juli 2024
The EU remains under a persistent threat of rising organised crime, generating substantial revenues that are increasingly being laundered through parallel financial systems. To tackle the issue, the European legislator has recently adopted Directive 2024/1260 on asset recovery and confiscation. This Directive will update the existing legal framework, laying down minimum rules on asset-tracing and identification, the freezing and confiscation of proceeds of crime and how such assets should be managed in criminal proceedings.
22 Juli 2024
The U.S. Supreme Court held in Snyder v. United States that state and local government officials can no longer be prosecuted under federal law 18 U. S. C. §666(a)(1)(B) for “accept[ing] gratuities for their past official acts.” This is yet another example of the current Court’s trend to limit the use of broadly worded statutes by US prosecutors.
15 Juli 2024
The Court of Appeal has clarified the effect of the “adequate consideration” exemption on the status of “criminal property” in the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, with potentially wide implications for businesses whose supply chains may be tainted with criminal conduct.
12 Juli 2024
Die KI-Verordnung führt weitreichende Regelungen für KI in der EU ein. Sie erfasst fast alle Sektoren und verfolgt einen risikobasierten Ansatz: Systeme mit Praktiken wie Social Scoring sind verboten, für Hochrisiko-Systeme gelten strenge Anforderungen, für andere KI-Systeme gelten Transparenzpflichten, oder sie sind mangels Risiko von der Regulierung ausgenommen. Unternehmen müssen die vielfältigen Anforderungen aus der KI-Verordnung zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten erfüllen. Bei Nichteinhaltung drohen erhebliche Sanktionen. Unternehmen sollten daher sofort handeln.
10 Juli 2024
In unserer heutigen digitalen Ära sind Cyberangriffe eine ständige Bedrohung – die Angreifer passen ihre Methoden kontinuierlich an und gehen immer raffinierter, schneller und unauffälliger vor. Die dunkle Realität des Cybercrime ist nicht zu leugnen: profitabel, schwer nachweisbar und eine direkte Bedrohung für die Existenz jedes Unternehmens.
27 Juni 2024
On 14 June 2024, the EU Council adopted its position on the Commission’s proposal for an anti-corruption directive. Despite sharpening penalties for corruption offences and allowing flexibility regarding the anti-corruption bodies, financial penalties remain substantial for failing to prevent bribery and corruption and stringent compliance demands for both companies and member states are upheld. The Council is now ready to commence negotiations with the Parliament to reach an agreement on the final legislative text.
24 Mai 2024
The EU has taken the ambitious step and enacted the revised Environmental Crime Directive, introducing new measures to prevent and combat environmental crime and ensure effective enforcement of EU environmental law. Businesses and individuals will be obliged to adopt practices that promote environmental sustainability, with tough new criminal penalties for those who break the law.
21 Mai 2024
In RTI Ltd v MUR Shipping BV [2024], the Supreme Court unanimously overturned a decision of the English Court of Appeal and found that “reasonable endeavours" wording in a force majeure clause cannot require the affected party to accept an offer of non-contractual performance by the other party in order to overcome the event or state of affairs to which the "reasonable endeavours" applied.
14 Mai 2024
The past year has been marked by an increased focus on enforcement of EU sanctions. With enhanced cooperation at an EU level and fines possibly going beyond 5% of a company’s global turnover, the EU now seems to be showing its teeth by adopting Directive (EU) 2024/1226 on the definition of criminal offences and penalties for the violation of Union restrictive measures and companies may feel the bite.
26 März 2024
Die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte in Lieferketten ist seit Jahren ein Thema für Unternehmen aus allen Industriezweigen. Lange wurde auf Freiwilligkeit gesetzt, doch mit dem im Frühsommer 2021 verabschiedeten Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz kommen nun verbindliche Vorgaben für die Supply Chain Due Diligence auf Unternehmen zu, mit denen neue Pflichten und Haftungsrisiken einhergehen.
28 Februar 2024
The Council of the European Union has adopted a new regulation setting out the rights and obligations of Central Securities Depositories holding assets and reserves of the Central Bank of Russia that are immobilised because of the EU’s restrictive measures. This Regulation is the next step in a political process aiming to make Russia pay for the reconstruction of Ukraine.
14 Februar 2024
Gut zwei Jahre nach Inkrafttreten des Lobbyregistergesetzes im Jahr 2022 gilt ab 1. März 2024 eine neue, umfangreich nachgeschärfte und erweiterte Fassung des Gesetzes. Bereits eingetragene Unternehmen, Verbände, Agenturen, Kommunikationsdienstleister und natürliche Personen werden erneut vor Compliance-Herausforderungen gestellt: Vorhandene Einträge müssen sämtlich ergänzt und aktualisiert werden. Zudem wird der Anwendungsbereich erweitert und bringt für einige Unternehmen eine erstmalige Registrierungspflicht mit sich.
03 Januar 2024
Nach langem Ringen wurde das Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz zur Umsetzung der EU-Whistleblower-Richtlinie verabschiedet. Das kontrovers diskutierte Gesetz bringt für Unternehmen neue Verpflichtungen und ist nun am 2. Juli 2023 in Kraft getreten.
11 Dezember 2023
Die Anzahl der Cyberangriffe nimmt weltweit zu, deshalb ist eine gründliche Vorbereitung und zügige Reaktion auf eine Cyberattacke essenziell. Das neue Magazin „Cybersicherheit“ gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Cybersicherheits-Herausforderungen und passende Lösungskonzepte. Dort finden Sie auch Hinweise zur Stärkung der Cyber-Abwehrbereitschaft und zum Krisenmanagement während und nach einer Cyberattacke.
29 Juni 2022
The potential impact for an organisation of being held liable for criminal activity can be severe, leading to financial penalties, operational sanctions and reputational damage. For international businesses, an understanding of how corporate criminal liability is regarded in different jurisdictions is key to managing risk. However, not all jurisdictions treat corporate wrongdoing in the same way. Explore our fully updated review of corporate criminal liability which assesses the risks corporates face across 22 jurisdictions.