Image of Andreas Steck

Andreas Steck

Regional Managing Partner Europe, Frankfurt

“I have advised on many of Germany’s transformational deals in the financial services arena over the course of my career, offering clients expert, practical, commercial-focused solutions to their problems. I speak the language of my clients.”


Professional experience

Education and qualifications


Andreas is widely regarded as one of Germany’s leading regulatory lawyers. He is also the firm’s Regional Managing Partner Europe.
Andreas has specialised experience in banking supervisory law, including bank M&A deals, banking supervisory regulations, structured finance and structured products, and in insurance supervisory law, including product structuring.
Andreas also counsels clients on investment funds law.


He is ranked as a leading regulatory lawyer by JUVE German Commercial Law Firms Directory 2023/2024 and as the only “eminent practitioner” in the area of financial regulation in Germany by Chambers (Chambers Europe 2024, Banking & Finance: Regulatory – Germany). Further, in this area Legal 500 rates him as one of the “Hall of Fame” lawyers (Legal 500 Germany 2024, Banking and finance: Financial services: regulatory) and IFLR1000 as “Highly regarded” (IFLR1000 2023).

Work highlights

Andreas has assisted numerous banks and financial services institutions in a wide range of regulatory matters. This includes advising:

  • NORD/LB on their restructuring and recapitalisation
  • Deutsche Börse on the planned all-share merger with London Stock Exchange and on its aborted merger with NYSE Euronext on all regulatory aspects
  • the German Federal States of Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein on the stabilization, restructuring and sale of HSH Nordbank
  • ADAC on the cooperation with Solaris for the ADAC credit card program as well as the termination of the cooperation with Landesbank Berlin (LBB)
  • WGZ BANK on its merger with DZ BANK
  • NORD/LB on the complete takeover of Bremer Landesbank
  • Erste Abwicklungsanstalt (EAA) on the disposal of assets of former WestLB (now Portigon)
  • RHJ International (RHJI)/Kleinwort Benson Group on the purchase of BHF-Bank from Deutsche Bank as well as subsequently on questions relating to the integration of BHF into the RHJI Group and the reorganisation of the RHJI Group
  • the German Ministry of Economics (BMWi) on the draft of a restructuring administration law (Restrukturierungsverwaltungsgesetz) for stabilisation of banks essential to the financial market and the German Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin) with respect to the implication of the new Bank Restructuring Act (Restrukturierungsgesetz) – This was the first time that BaFin instructed external counsel for legal advice with respect to the legal and economic effects of supervisory rules


Professional experience

Andreas was enlisted as an expert to advise on Germany’s Bank Restructuring Law in 2014, advised on Germany’s Capital Investment Code and has also been called in to advise the German regulatory bodies, BaFin (Germany’s Federal Financial Supervisory Authority) and FMSA (The Federal Agency for Financial Market Stabilisation).


Andreas sits on the donator’s committee of the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF), Frankfurt University, and is a member of the board of trustees of the Association for the Promotion of Practice-oriented Training and Key Competencies for Law Students at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz.


He regularly speaks at conferences and seminars dealing with various law topics, including at the Institute for Law and Finance and the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.


Andreas is a prolific writer. His books, articles and commentaries include:


Binder/Glos/Riepe (Hrsg.), Handbuch Bankenaufsichtsrecht: §4 Beteiligungskontrolle


Emde/Dornseifer/Dreibus/Hölscher (Hrsg.), Kommentar zum Investmentgesetz


Inhaberkontrollverordnung (InhKontrV) – Regulation on the Supervision of Shareholdings, in Vahldiek: German Banking Law, 2016


Teil Aufsichtsrecht und Öffentliches Recht / § 28 Versicherungsaufsichtsrecht – Einsatz von derivativen Finanzinstrumenten durch Versicherungsunternehmen, in Finanzderivate: Rechtshandbuch, 2016 (Co-Editor)


Neue Voraussetzungen für die Abwicklung von Banken, Der Betrieb (DB), 2015, co-author


Sanierung und Abwicklung von Banken – EU-Parlament beschließt zweite Säule der Bankenunion,, 2014


Andreas’ other publications can be found here.

Education and qualifications

Andreas studied law at the University of Freiburg.


He speaks German and English.