13 Januar 2025
We predict the key developments to watch out for in 2025, including trends in workplace culture and executive pay.
16 Dezember 2024
We consider Riot Games' establishment of an arbitration court to manage esports disputes in League of Legends and Valorant and discuss its potential to provide stability and coherence in esports dispute resolution.
12 November 2024
Sports and ESG are becoming increasingly intertwined, with tournament and competition organisers, clubs and individuals taking more steps to travel, compete and operate with sustainability in mind.
24 Oktober 2024
With Aryna Sabalenka and Jannik Sinner having bookended their grand slam seasons with the hard court double in New York, and the end-of-year tour finals looming large, in our second edition of the Backcourt we recap what’s been happening off court – from the rumoured ATP-WTA commercial merger to integrity updates and doubles rule changes.
21 Oktober 2024
A federal judge has now granted preliminary approval for the long-awaited 2.78 billion settlement after the National Collegiate Athletic Association and its Power Five conferences voted last May to approve settling the latest antitrust challenge to collegiate sports.
17 Oktober 2024
Following the CJEU’s ruling on the legality of FIFA’s international player transfer rules, we consider the Court’s findings and the potential impact this decision could have on the football transfers landscape.
01 Oktober 2024
Ahead of the significant judgment of the CJEU expected to land this Friday on FIFA’s international player transfer rules, we recap the details of the Lassana Diarra case, the questions the CJEU will answer and the potential impact if it follows the opinion of its Advocate General.
13 September 2024
fuboTV Inc. and fuboTV Media Inc. have obtained a preliminary injunction in the Southern District of New York against several US media giants involved in a joint venture to offer a "skinny" sports package of 14 channels without dozens of additional non-sports offerings.
The court found that the JV had the potential to create anticompetitive effects for other tv distributors who have been prevented from offering a similar service. This decision underscores the evolving dynamics of sports broadcasting in the streaming era and highlights the legal complexities of innovating within a competitive market.
12 September 2024
Our latest blog series explores the legal challenges and opportunities of the fast-growing industry of esports. The second part of the series explores the specific legal and regulatory landscape of this dynamic industry and how it compares to traditional sports.
10 September 2024
Despite an extraordinary on-field performance, a spying scandal cast a shadow over the Canadian Women’s Soccer Team at the Paris 2024 Olympics, leading to a six-point deduction at the group stage, a fine, and one-year suspensions for three members of staff. In this article, we explore the reasons behind the FIFA Appeal Committee and Court of Arbitration for Sport’s decisions, and what this could mean for future incidents of spying in football.
31 Juli 2024
This was supposed to be payday for French professional football. Four years after the Mediapro fiasco, the French professional football league had taken all the steps it deemed necessary to ensure the financial prosperity of French clubs and enter into a record-breaking domestic broadcasting agreement. The result is so far underwhelming. While French clubs get ready to receive their lowest broadcasting revenues in twenty years, we analyse what went wrong.
25 Juli 2024
Nach dem Großevent ist vor dem Großevent – dieses Motto gilt im Sportsommer 2024. Kaum ist die Fußball-EM in Deutschland vorbei, stehen die Olympischen Sommerspiele in Paris (26. Juli bis 11. August) im Fokus. Dieses globale Sportereignis wirft spannende rechtliche Fragen auf. Der Beitrag beleuchtet den Nominierungsprozess für Olympia, die Arbeitgeberfreistellung sowie die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Meinungsäußerungen
18 Juli 2024
We're excited to launch our new blog series deep diving into the dynamic intersection of law and esports! Find out what players, teams, organisations and potential investors need to know to stay ahead of the game in the world of competitive gaming.
The series kicks off with our first post: "Playing by the Rules: Navigating the Intersection of Esports and Employment Law." Explore the unique challenges and legal considerations that come with employment in the esports arena.
Stay tuned for more in-depth analyses as we tackle dispute resolution and antitrust issues in upcoming posts, providing valuable insights into the evolving legal landscape of this thrilling industry.
13 Juni 2024
Im Rampenlicht der Europameisterschaft: Wird der Fußballplatz zur politischen Arena? Jüngste Ereignisse, wie die Entlassung des FSV Mainz 05 Spielers Anwar El Ghazi, zeigen, dass öffentliche Äußerungen durchaus ernste arbeitsrechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen können. In diesem Beitrag beleuchten wir die rechtlichen Grenzen, die für Spieler im Rampenlicht gelten und geben einen tieferen Einblick in das Spannungsfeld zwischen Meinungsfreiheit des Arbeitnehmers und berechtigten Interessen des Arbeitgebers.
29 November 2023
Die Berichterstattung rund um die Frauenfußball-WM Mitte dieses Jahres rückte ein gesellschaftspolitisch brisantes Thema in den Fokus: Die Vergütung der Nationalspielerinnen im Vergleich zu ihren männlichen Counterparts.
31 August 2023
Nahezu jeder Spielertransfer weist individuelle Besonderheiten auf. Arbeitsrechtlich besteht ein Spielertransfer gleichwohl – unter Beachtung des verbandrechtlichen Rahmens – formal insbesondere aus mehreren Schritten. Unser Beitrag beleuchtet die arbeitsrechtlichen Aspekte, die Spielertransfers im Profifußball beeinflussen, insbesondere in der Bundesliga.
21 August 2023
Hertha BSC Berlin stieg nach einer problematischen Saison in die 2. Bundesliga ab. Infolgedessen planten Mitarbeitende angeblich, einen Betriebsrat zu gründen, was Medienaufmerksamkeit erregte. Dieser Artikel erläutert, wie ein Betriebsrat gegründet wird und was dies für den Arbeitgeber – in diesem Fall einen Fußballclub – bedeutet.
01 Juni 2023
The dismissal of Oliver Kahn, a former world-class goalkeeper, provides an opportunity to shed legal light on what a club organized as a public limited company should generally consider when parting ways with a board member. In general, clubs can make economic losses and potential damage to their image more predictable and legally protected by having robust board member termination provisions in place.
14 Dezember 2022
In light of the recent private skiing vacation injury of Manuel Neuer, goalkeeper and captain of FC Bayern Munich and the German national team, Matthew Devey examines the issues and questions arising from the accident from the perspective of German employment law.
17 November 2022
After extracts of an interview in which Cristiano Ronaldo raised a series of allegations and criticisms of his club and employer were dissected globally on various networks and social media, our Partner Matthew Devey frames the issues through a German employment law lens.